Ogichidaa Francis Kavanaugh Looks Forward to Working with Federal Government and Regional Elected Parliamentarians on Immediate Action on Treaty #3 Priorities

Kenora, ON — Ogichidaa Francis Kavanaugh, Grand Chief of Treaty #3 congratulated re-elected Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and said today that he is looking forward to immediate action and working together to further the priorities of First Nations citizens in the Treaty #3 territory and across Canada. “Now that the federal government has been re-elected […]

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Ogichidaa Francis Kavanaugh says Federal Government Decision to Appeal Human Rights Ruling is Unacceptable: “Our children and our families have suffered enough”

Kenora, ON — Ogichidaa Francis Kavanaugh, Grand Chief of Treaty #3 is calling out Prime Minister’s decision to appeal a ruling that would compensate First Nations children and their families who were separated by a broken and discriminatory on-reserve child welfare system. “The federal government’s actions are unacceptable. Our Anishinaabe children and families have been […]

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Francis Kavanaugh re-elected to serve third term as Ogichidaa Grand Council Treaty #3 Grand Chief

Kenora, ON — Francis Kavanaugh was re-elected for a four-year term in a traditional selection process today in Wauzhushk Onigum Nation defeating Kathy Kishiqueb of Onigaming First Nation who was the only other candidate. The traditional selection process is guided by the Anishinaabe cultural protocols and this selection was the first year that each First […]

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Iskatewizaagegan #39 Hosts the Traditional Selection of the Treaty #3 Women’s Council

Kenora, ON — Women from across the Anishinaabe Nation in Treaty#3 gathered at David Kejick School in Iskatewizaagegan#39 First Nation for the Traditional Selection process for the Women’s Council on September 20. The women were supported by community Elders; Yvonne Pinesse and Basil Greene as well as the community drum.  The morning allowed for the […]

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Ogichidaa Francis Kavanaugh meets with municipal leaders to address current issues facing region

Kenora, ON — Ogichidaa Francis Kavanaugh, Grand Chief of Treaty #3 met with municipal leaders from across Treaty #3 territory today in Naotkamegwanning First Nation to renew relationships and collaboratively address challenges with the mounting substance abuse and homelessness issues within the region. “This is the inaugural meeting so it’s historic and my hope is […]

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Grand Chief of Treaty #3 says Canada must compensate First Nations families impacted by ‘broken’ child welfare system

KENORA, ON — Ogichidaa Francis Kavanaugh, Grand Chief of Treaty #3 says it’s about time that Canada owned up to its responsibilities and compensate First Nations children and their families impacted by the on-reserve child welfare system. “For the longest time the federal government fought us on this knowing full well that they were not putting the rights […]

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