Putting First Nations Children First

Do you know a First Nation infant, child or youth with a need who cannot access a publicly funded service or program that is available to other children?

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Jordan's Principle Community Toolkit

Jordan’s Principle delivers equal education, health, and social services in a timely manner. Provincial and federal governments will decide who pays afterward. Your local navigator and/or liaison worker will ensure Indigenous children (on or off reserve) receive the funding and services they need to live their best lives.

Jordan's Principle Toolkit

Jordan's Principle

  • applies to all First Nations children
  • involves all jurisdictional disputes, between federal departments or between federal and provincial governments
  • provides payment for needed services by the government or department that first receives the request

To fully implement Jordan’s Principle, Canada is working to:

  1. resolve situations where governments and departments cannot agree about who should pay for services and supports to meet the needs of a First Nations child
  2. cover the costs for health and social services and supports for First Nations children in situations when a First Nations child does not have access to a publicly-funded program usually available to other children
  3. facilitate access to all services and supports for all First Nations children without delay or disruption

Canada’s approach to supporting Jordan’s Principle includes proactive measures to help prevent any delay in access to needed services by First Nations children.

Canada's Commitment

Up to $382.5M over three years is available to help improve First Nations children’s access to needed services, similar to other children in Canada.

This includes:

  • establishing an Enhanced Service Coordination model of care in every region to proactively assist in identifying children with needs and addressing them
  • making funding available to address the immediate unmet health or social needs of First Nations children
  • involving First Nations, and provinces and territories in implementation activities to support Jordan’s Principle
  • collecting meaningful data and other information to inform policy and program reforms, which will enable us to better respond to the needs of First Nations children over the long term

Principles of Implementation

Fairness – Decisions are consistently applied, and based on impartial judgement without discrimination or favoritism.

Transparency – Process is open, available to the public, and easily understandable.

Timeliness – Decisions are made within a reasonable time period, without delay, and in keeping with established service standards of Jordan’s Principle.

Client-centered – Each stage of the process is focused on the child, leading to an outcome that is in the best interests of the child.