The Treaty #3 Health Council engages with communities, Tribal Councils, and organizations that are delivering programs to improve the health of First Nations citizens, coordinates health information and resources, and facilitates communication and consultation throughout the region.
Regularly scheduled meetings are held to share information and promote dialogue between Treaty #3 health staff, community-based personal and health technicians. Working groups or subcommittees will also be established as necessary to work on priority issues. The Health Council meets quarterly with the Chiefs Committee on Social Sustainability to provide information and recommendations to be brought forward to the Chiefs Assemblies. The Health Council’s outcomes will be measured by more programs and funding at the community level, and more involvement at the federal, provincial and regional level.
As an advocacy group, the Health Council keeps members advised about policies and changes to services that are initiated from the Local Health Integration Network and the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care. The goal is to provide a dialogue between health directors and Ministry personnel involving funding issues, denial of services, or the de-listing of covered services.
Grand Council Treaty #3 recognizes that there is a lack of healthcare professionals available to service local institutions, and advocate for the needs of Treaty #3 communities.
The Health Council faces challenges with providing updated healthcare information because the capabilities of the communities to receive information are so varied. There are also challenges surrounding access to healthcare due to distance and isolation. At times, emergency healthcare can be hours away. The Health Council provides advocacy for these border communities without access.