Update on the Indian Day School Settlement-Court Challenge

Received December 3 2019. From Vanessa Lessard, Law Clerk of Gowling WLG.

Gowling WLG is the Class Council for the Indian Day School Settlement and on October 31st they received a court challenge from David Schulze (Partner, Dione Schulze, S.E.N.C). On behalf of his client who is a class member and a Chief in Quebec feels that the settlement is unfair to his community.

Class Council is in the process of assessing this challenge.

If this is not resolved in the next few weeks, this court challenge could delay the opening of the Claims process for an unknown period of time. Untill this matter is resolved; Class members will not be able to apply for compensation.

The official Claim form will be available after the resolution of the court challenge. As a result, the Claims Process is not open.

Check the website designated to the Federal Indian Day School Class Action for updates.


If you have any questions, please contact the office of Gowling WLG at 1 844 539 3815 or vanes.lessard@gowlingwlg.com ,Law Clerk.

Reminder* To be eligible for this compensation Survivor Class Members must have attended one of the identified Day Schools listed on Schedule K.

For more information:
Larry Henry RHSW | 807-464-4638 | Larry.henry@Treaty3.ca
Delores Kelly Cultural Coordinator/ Manager | 807-464-0037 | Delores.kelly@treaty3.ca

At this time there is no deadline and you can still fill out a Registration Form. We at the IRS of GCT#3 can help and provide information as well.