Treaty #3 Land Manager’s Toolkit Release

Grand Council Treaty #3 and the Territorial Planning Unit, in partnership with Treaty #3 Communities, Knowledge Keepers, and Narratives Inc., have developed the Treaty #3 Land Manager’s Toolkit. The toolkit was created to provide insight and support on Federal Impact Assessments, Provincial Environmental Assessments, and Anishinaabe led Impact Assessments for lands and resources staff from Treaty #3 communities and membership across the Anishinaabe Nation in Treaty #3.

Following the principles of Manito Aki Inakonigaawin, the Treaty #3 Nibi Declaration the Treaty #3 Land Manager’s Toolkit is intended to provide insight and guidance into the Crown Impact and Environmental Assessment processes to ensure Treaty #3 communities can meaningfully engage proponents and Crown entities on Anishinaabe processes and protocols for decision making.  The toolkit also provides guidance on how the Anishinaabe Nation in Treaty #3 and Treaty #3 Communities can lead their own Project Assessment processes, while also providing information and tools for lands manager’s such as developing community statement of rights, developing consent and engagement protocols, and identifying funding sources.

The goal of the Territorial Planning Unit is that the Treaty #3 Land Manager’s Toolkit will provide opportunity for land managers across the Anishinaabe Nation in Treaty #3 to assert decision making and navigate the Crown Impact and Environmental Assessments. The toolkit will continue to be updated as existing legislation changes and also reflect the current development of the Treaty #3 Project Assessment process when complete.

To download the toolkit, visit the link here:

Or on the Territorial Planning Unit Website:


For more information please contact: Territorial Planning Unit at

PDf – November 8, 2022 – Treaty #3 Land Manager’s Toolkit Release