Grand Council Treaty #3’s overall goal is the protection, preservation and enhancement of Treaty and Aboriginal rights.

The Grand Council Treaty #3 existed in the territory of the Anishinaabe Nation, key to Canadian Confederation in that the British wanted to plan a route between Fort Garry and Fort William (now Winnipeg, MB and Thunder Bay, ON respectively).

Grand Council Treaty #3 was planned to be the first post-Confederation treaty, but the Anishinaabe held firm that they would not cede lands, nor allow farming or settlement, in their territory. On October 3, 1873, the 55,000 square miles of territory agreed to be shared between the Anishinaabe and the British.

The Chiefs negotiated, among other things, that British “business” would be allowed within the entire territory, and that both the land and resources would be shared between Anishinaabe and the British as “brothers.”

Grand Council Treaty #3 is 55,000 sq. miles spanning from west of Thunder Bay to north of Sioux Lookout, along the international border, to the province of Manitoba.

It is made up of 28 First Nation communities, with a total population of approximately 25,000.



Our Communities

Animakee Wa Zhing 37 First Nation
Chief Linda McVicar

Asubpeeschoseewagong First Nation
(Grassy Narrows)

Chief Rudy Turtle

Buffalo Point First Nation
Hereditary Chief John Thunder
Representative Chief Andrea Camp

Couchiching First Nation
Chief Richard Bruyere

Gakijiwanong Anishinaabe Nation
Chief Carrie Atatise-Norwegian

Iskatewizaagegan 39 Independent First Nation
Chief Leon Mandamin

Lac des Mille Lacs First Nation
Chief Judy WhiteCloud

Lac Seul First Nation
Chief Clifford Bull

Migisi Sahgaigan First Nation
(Eagle Lake)
Chief Bernadette Wabange

Mishkosiminiziibiing First Nation
(Big Grassy River)

Chief Lynn Indian

Mitaanjigamiing First Nation
Chief Janice Henderson

Naicatchewenin First Nation
(Northwest Bay)

Chief Wayne Smith

Naongashiing First Nation
(Big Island)

Chief Wesley Big George

Naotkamegwanning First Nation
(Whitefish Bay)

Chief Gary Tom

Nigigoonsiminikaaning First Nation
(Red Gut)

Chief Terry Allan

Niisaachewan Anishinaabe Nation

Chief Lorraine Cobiness

Northwest Angle 33 First Nation
Chief Darlene Comegan

Ojibways of Onigaming First Nation

Chief Jeffrey Copenace

Rainy River First Nations
(Manitou Rapids)

Chief Marcel Medicine Horton

Sagkeeng First Nation
Chief Ej Fontaine

Ojibway Nation of Saugeen
Chief John Machimity

Seine River First Nation
Chief Shane Whitecrow

Shoal Lake 40 First Nation
Chief Kevin Redsky

Waabigonii Zaaga’igan
Wabigoon Lake Ojibway Nation
Chief Clayton Wetelainen

Wabaseemoong Independent Nations

Chief Waylon Scott

Wabauskang First Nation
Chief Bill Petiquan

Washagamis Bay First Nation

Wauzhushk Onigum Nation
(Rat Portage)

Chief Chris Skead

Our Territory

Ogichidaa Francis Kavanaugh Grand Chief Grand Council Treaty #3

Ogichidaa Kavanaugh is from the Sturgeon clan of Naotkamegwanning First Nation where he resides with his wife of 53+ years, Betty, along with his four children, eight grandchildren and one great grandchild.

Ogichidaa Kavanaugh can be reached by contacting his Political Executive Assistant, Melissa Fiddler at (807) 464-4770.

Francis Kavanaugh was re-elected as Grand Chief “Ogichidaa” of the Anishinaabe Nation in Treaty #3 by a Traditional Selection Process on October 3, 2023. This is the first time a Grand Chief was selected for a fourth term to serve the citizens of Grand Council Treaty #3. Ogichidaa Kavanaugh from Naotkamegwanning First Nation is currently serving his third consecutive term and his fourth term all together.

Ogichidaa Kavanaugh was honoured by the traditional selection process, and acknowledges the trust and responsibility placed on him by the leadership of Treaty #3. Ogichidaa Kavanaugh has been involved with Grand Council Treaty #3 for over 45 years, and previously served as Grand Chief of Grand Council Treaty #3 from 1997-1999 during which time he was instrumental in the Treaty #3 Governance Initiative.

Throughout his career, Francis has held a variety of positions within the Nation including, Executive Director at Grand Council Treaty #3, Ojibway Tribal Family Services and a few terms on Council in his home community of Naotkamegwanning.

Ogichidaa Kavanaugh commits to working with the administration and the leadership of Grand Council Treaty #3 to address current challenges of mental health and addiction, housing, policing, child welfare and educational inequities facing member First Nation communities, while honouring our sacred responsibilities to the land and the water.

Councils advising Treaty #3 Anishinaabe Nation

Councils are a very important part of the governance structure of Grand Council Treaty #3. They bring the history of the past and the knowledge of the future. They are also the connection to ensure balance and equality for Gitiziminan (Elders), Oshkiniigig (Youth), Mizi’iwe Aana Kwat (2SLGBTQQIA+), Gaagiidoo-Ikwewag (Women) and Mamawichi-Gabowitaa-Ininiwag (Men) in the Treaty #3 Anishinaabe Nation.

Each Council consists of Treaty #3 Anishinaabe members elected through a traditional selection process which represent each of the four (4) directions for their expertise, skills and traditional knowledge. Their primary role is to bring the history, unique needs and most importantly, the voice of Elders, Women, Men and Youth from the people, to the people.

Elder’s Council

Elders within the Anishinaabe Nation in Treaty #3 are the foundation of the communities and collectively are necessary to guide and direct leadership for a strong, accountable and transparent government.



Oshkiniigiig (Youth Executive Council) represent the past, present and future of the Anishinaabe Nation in Treaty #3. The voice and meaningful involvement of youth complete the circle of traditional governance.

Find Us on Facebook  |  Visit our Page: Youth Initiative

Youth Executive Council Primary Representatives
Jessica Lee (Migisi Sahgaigan), Ernest Cobiness Jr. (Buffalo Point), Mia Seymour (Naongashiing), Geryt Seymour (Naongashiing)


Youth Executive Council Proxies
Ogema Paypompee (Naotkamegwanning), Misty Castle (Asubpeeschoseewagong), Jordan Jack (Wauzhushk Onigum), Drae Greene (Naongashiing)


The Mizi’iwe Aana Kwat (2SLGBTQQIA+ Council) within the Anishinaabe Nation of Treaty #3 represents the needs of and aspirations of the Anishinaabe 2SLGBTQQIA+ Community in the territory.

Find Us on Facebook

2SLGBTQQIA+ Council Representatives
Shayla Hourie (Naongashiing),
Kieran Davis (Lac Seul), Melody McKiver (Lac Seul), Dahlia Jourdain (Couchiching)


Mizi'iwe Aana Kwat


The Gaagiidoo-Ikwewag (Women’s Council) within the Anishinaabe Nation of Treaty #3 represents the unique needs and aspirations of Anishinaabe women in the territory.

Find Us on Facebook

Women’s Council Representatives
Mona Gordon (Lac Seul), Crystal Harrison Collin (Wabigoon Lake),
Brittany Cobiness (Buffalo Point), Pam Big George (Naongashiing)



The Mamawichi-Gabowitaa-Ininiwag (Men’s Council) within the Anishinaabe Nation of Treaty #3 represents the needs of and aspirations of the Anishinaabe men in the territory.

Men’s Council Representative
Daryl Redsky (Shoal Lake #40)

Treaty #3 Chief Committees


Chief Carrie Atatise-Norwegian (Chair)
Chief Clayton Wetelainen (Co-Chair)
Chief Richard Bruyere
Chief Gary Tom
Chief Linda McVicar
Chief Waylon Scott

Issue Categories: Health, Childcare, Social Services


Chief Jeffrey Copenace (Chair)
Chief Marcel Medicine Horton (Co-Chair)
Chief Terry Allan
Chief Bernadette Wabange
Chief Leon Mandamin
Chief Lorraine Cobiness
Chief Bill Petiquan

Issue Categories: Water, Mining, Forestry, Land Management, Medicines, Trapping, Hunting, Fishing, Climate Change, Emergency Management


Chief Kevin Redsky (Chair)
Chief Andrea Camp (Co-Chair)
Chief Chris Skead
Chief John Machimity
Chief Shane Whitecrow
Chief Lynn Indian
Chief Janice Henderson

Issue Categories: TARR, Indian Residential Schools, History, Sports & Recreation, Citizenship, Justice & Policing, Parks & Museums, Anishinaabemowin, Arts, Education


Chief Clifford Bull (Chair)
Chief Rudy Turtle (Co-Chair)
Chief Wayne Smith
Chief Wesley Big George
Chief Darlene Comegan
Chief EJ Fontaine
Chief Judy Whitecloud

Issue Categories: Small Business, T3 Investment Group, Infrastructure, Housing, Energy, Trade, Training, Border Security